XI Open discussion on the 85th anniversary of the birth of a psychiatrist, medical psychologist A.F. Zhelonkina
We invite you to an open discussion dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of a wonderful person, our teacher, as well as the teacher of many specialists in the field of psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy in Kyrgyzstan and not only - Alevtina Fedorovna Zhelonkina.
🧠 Alevtina Fedorovna made a huge contribution to the development of the psychological community of Kyrgyzstan. She was always happy to share her experience, knowledge and friendship with us.
👩🎓 In our psychotherapeutic practice, as well as in everyday life, we continue to rely on this valuable experience, on wisdom and the opportunity to be with such a wonderful person.
Alevtina Fedorovna Zhelonkina was an example of exceptional psychiatric intuition and never "sorted out patients on the shelves."
At the 85th Anniversary Open Discussion, we will discuss:
Where are the boundaries of diagnoses associated with mental pathology?
What views on this problem existed before and how do we look at it today?
Also, we will talk about pathopsychological categories and their diagnosis.
In addition, short messages are planned on the topic "Modern pathopsychological diagnostics."
And more! There will be a message on the article by the teacher Alevtina Fedorovna - Professor N.V. Kontarovich "On the relationship between neurosis and psychosis."
Videos from previous discussions can be viewed on the PRO PLatform channel at the link
The event is free!
Everyone is welcome to participate.
Held at the American University of Central Asia in person
address: 7/6, Aaly Tokombaev, room 434
April 22 at 18.00 (Bishkek time),
Pre-registration is required. In the "program" column, please indicate the name of this event (If you are visiting our site for the first time, please check your SPAM folder after registration).