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Interdisciplinary Central Asian
Professional Platform
ON-LINE lecture by existential therapist Rimantas Kociunas "About death"
Death is the inspiring muse of philosophy: without it, philosophy would hardly exist.
A. Schopenhauer
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Talking about death is difficult and interesting at the same time. In existential psychology and therapy, death is one of the givens of our existence. It is believed that death is necessary to find meaning and purpose in of our lives. From an existential perspective death destroys a person, and the idea of death - saves. The idea of death encourages a person to take responsibility and use the opportunities that life offers us.
We invite you to take part in the online lecture "About Death" by a unique world-famous professional, Doctor of Psychology, , standing at the origins of the existential trend in the post-Soviet space - Rimantas Kociunas (HEPI, Lithuania)
When: May 6
Time: 18.00-19.00 (Bishkek time)
Format: online (ZOOM platform)
Cost: 1500 soms (payment in any convenient currency at the current exchange rate on the day of payment)
Pre-registration is required. In the "program" column, please indicate the name of this program. If you are visiting our site for the first time, please check your SPAM folder after registration.
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