The experience of our many years of activity shows how often we, specialists working with people, find ourselves alone with our practice and almost do not receive professional support from colleagues, and this, of course, increases the existing difficulties and sometimes hinders the development of practice._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
We often do not have special space and conditions where we could take care of ourselves, get help from colleagues and, which is very important, be able to reflect on our professional path , professional position, etc.
Supervision as a tool just allows you to create conditions for such assistance to each other. And if you really understand why you need such a format of work and that you need to participate in such a group - welcome!
Questions arise, such as:
Will I be able to handle this job?
Can I help a client?
What is my relationship with the client?
What processes am I not seeing?
What are my difficulties?
❇️🤓If you want to increase the level❗️ of your effectiveness as a professional ❗️psychologist and improve❗️ customer service
Welcome to group supervision with Pro PLatform 💪👌
- We invite everyone who has their own practice to the group, namely those specialists (psychologists, psychotherapists) who work directly with clients. If you work for a week, but have actual clients (even if there are only one or two of them) - the group is for you; or you have been in the professional field for 10 years already - the group is for you.
- It is important to note that the group is multimodal in nature, i.e. we invite everyone to join it, regardless of the school it represents.
- Group supervision format can be useful for a specialist from any approach, and for those who do not practice, this is a unique opportunity to see how professionals work and the opportunity to start their own practice
- If you work individually or with groups as a trainer, this group is for you.
- There are also no restrictions regarding the age of the clients with whom you work. We will also welcome participants working with children and adults.
Контракт _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
1. Goals of the group .
Group - professional communication space for:
👩🎓Professional identity development. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
🗣Practice organization discussions
📂 Creation of a database of practical tools.
📑Analysis of cases.
🙆 Support in difficult professional situations.
2. Security :
▪confidentiality for clients (we remove biographical information as much as possible) and specialists.
▪consent of clients to discuss cases in supervision
▪at "intersections" we stop to discuss and make an ethical decision.
3. Административный контракт:
▪meetings once a month
▪payment of 1500 soms/rubles
▪Payment is paid before the date of the supervision to Elsom number 0556352517 (for residents of Kyrgyzstan access, for those outside of Kyrgyzstan - there are alternative payment methods after registration)
Следующая наша встреча состоится 26 мая (четверг) 2021 в 15.00 (время по Бишкеку) участие в on-line режиме _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Next meeting dates: 26 May

Demilkhanova Angelina – Ph.D., psychologist, psychotherapist